Her savings were in the Post Office Savings Bank. 她的钱存在邮政储蓄银行里。
In the post war period the range of Prudential's products changed towards an emphasis on savings, annuities, pensions and family income protection. 战后时期保诚产品的范围转变,更加强调储蓄、年金、退休金和家庭收入保护。
Just mail the enclosed post-card, and our representative will call to show you the savings we can make for you. 只要寄回我方随函附去的明信片,我方代表就会去说明有关储蓄的各项事宜。
Economic Analysis of the Market Position of Post and Savings Bank Pushing Forward the Building of a New Socialist Countryside Construction 邮政储蓄银行支持新农村建设的经济学分析
Although the early sales through Japan Post have been steady rather than meteoric when compared with developments in China, there are a number of factors causing significant change in the Japanese savings market. 尽管与中国市场的发展相比,日本邮政早期的基金销售较为稳定,势头没有那么迅猛,但很多因素正导致日本储蓄市场出现重大变化。
It was originally set up by the Palmerston government of1861 as the Post Office Savings Bank. 它由帕默斯顿政府于1861年创建,原名英国邮政储蓄银行。
If the state wants to speed up economic recovery there is a case for setting up one or more government banks, perhaps in conjunction with institutions such as the UK Post Office savings bank. 如果政府想加速经济复苏,那么就有理由建立一家或多家政府银行,或许与英国邮政储蓄银行(postofficesavingsbank)等机构合作。
I save money in a post office savings account. 我把钱存在邮局的账户里。
The first salvo was fired with the privatisation of Japan Post's savings bank. This has allowed the newly created bank to invest progressively in a wide array of local financial instruments or to lend in the interbank money market. 第一波火力瞄准了日本邮储银行的私有化,使这家新创立的银行可以逐渐增加对大量本地金融工具的投资,或在银行间货币市场提供贷款。
Break Key Puzzles of Post Savings Bank 破解邮储银行的关键难题
Post Savings Bank Shall Share Rural Market 邮储银行将分羹农村市场
China's postal finance has been experiencing special development since 1986.The licensing of China Post and Savings Bank marks that reforms of postal system and postal finance have made significant achievement. 1986年以来,我国邮政金融经历了特殊的发展之旅。中国邮政储蓄银行的获准营业,标示着我国邮政体制及邮政金融改革终于有了一个方向性的重大成果。
Procedures and selection of plans regarding the reform of china's post savings system 我国邮政储蓄体制的改革步骤和方案选择
Two-Bank Game and Dominant Strategy of the Post Savings 两银行博弈与邮政储蓄变革的优化战略选择
The old administration system and management mode of Hunan Post Savings is unaccommodated with the reform of post savings. 湖南邮政储蓄机构一直沿用较陈旧的管理体制和业务发展模式,已不再适应邮政储蓄体制改革的需要。
The Market position of China Post and Savings Bank 中国邮政储蓄银行的市场定位
China Post Opens Postal Savings 中国邮政开办储蓄业务
The Choice of the Late Active Fiscal Policy& The Fiscal Location between our Policy Bank and the Post Office Savings 试论后积极财政政策的政策选择&兼论我国政策性银行和邮政储蓄的财政化定位
Post Savings Bank: Function Orientation Most Important 邮储银行:重在功能定位
Probing into the Competitive Focus between Post Savings Banks and Commercial Banks 探寻邮储银行与商业银行的竞争焦点
Rethinking about the Changes in Post Savings and the Establishment of Post Savings Bank 邮政储蓄改革的变迁与邮政储蓄银行设立的再思考
Post savings is an important part of the current finance system of China. 邮政储蓄是当前中国金融体系中一个重要的组成部分。
Post Savings Bank, Where's Way Out? 邮储银行,路在何方?
Agricultural bank, post savings bank and rural credit cooperatives compose the rural financial system of Xinjiang. 新疆农村金融体系主要是由农业银行、邮政储蓄银行、农村信用社等组成。
Based on the design of post savings products system, it introduces diversified products strategy, products composing strategy, better process strategy, product brand strategy and so on. 在对邮储产品框架体系进行设计的基础上,提出了多元化产品策略、产品组合策略、流程优化策略、产品品牌策略等开发策略。
One year later, China Post Bureau, China Post Group, Postal Savings Bank of China ( PSBC) and the branches have been set up successively and the problem which constrained the development of China Post has been solved. 在接下来的一年时间里,国家邮政局、中国邮政集团公司、中国邮政储蓄银行及其相应的分支机构相继成立,困扰中国邮政发展的体制问题已尘埃落定。
Since 2008, Quanzhou Post, gradually accelerating reformational pace, the Postal Savings Bank and the EMS has formally established. And that bring the formation of Quanzhou Post postal, banking and couriers three plates separate operation of development. 自2008年以来,泉州邮政体制改革步伐逐渐加快,邮储银行以及邮政速递先后挂牌成立,形成了邮政、银行及速递三大板块分业经营的发展态势。
Since the implementation of the reforms, Shaanxi Post conducted a series reform of institutional mechanisms. Since then, the postal savings and courier logistics which are most profitable plates all stripped with the postal enterprise. 自实施政企分开后,陕西邮政进行了一系列的体制机制改革,自此,邮政最盈利的两大板块,邮政储蓄和速递物流全部与邮政企业剥离。
Compared with other credit institutions, Postal Savings Bank of China has operated post savings for more than twenty years, and has advantage of big scale which can makes sustainability in operating relatively cost-high microcredit. 相比其他贷款机构,邮政储蓄银行依托邮政储蓄20多年的迅速发展,在开展小额贷款业务上具有规模优势,使其能持续性地开展相对成本较高的小额贷款业务。